Assignment - Defining Social Entrepreneurship

In a few bullet points outline your definition of Social Entrepreneurship.

My answer:

1. Social Entrepreneurship is an opportunity to work on or solve a problem which is usually faced by people in the community who have no or limited access to facilities that help the community to benefit themselves.

2. The primary goal of social entrepreneurship is to bring change in the society by providing access to those facilities in an innovative way (as beneficiaries have a low financial income).

3. Though one looks to solve the problems of the community who usually has a poor financial situation, social entrepreneurship tries to bring in some minimum profit so that business is self sustainable.

4. Social entrepreneurs while solving a particular problem faced by community bring in other benefits like job creation. This might be limited to community itself, but helps people to help themselves.

Peer feedback:

Peer 1 → [This area was left blank by the evaluator.]
Peer 2 → [This area was left blank by the evaluator.]
Peer 3 → well done for the definition...
Peer 4 → [This area was left blank by the evaluator.]
Peer 5 → Good work :)

Effective grade is 3/3.

This blog post is based on my learnings from the course on ‘social entrepreneurship’ offered by Copenhagen Business School through Coursera (2014).
