Social entrepreneurship: The case for definition by Roger L. Martin & Sally Osberg

Social entrepreneurship is beyond popularity and fascination with people. Social entrepreneurship has more to do with/gives more importance to drive social change and its potential payoff, with its lasting, transformational benefits to society.

Entrepreneurship: A special, innate ability to sense and act on opportunity, combining out of the box thinking with a unique brand of determination to create or bring about something new to the world.

The entrepreneur is inspired to alter the unpleasant equilibrium. Moving - a suboptimal equilibrium to new stable equilibrium.

Three levels of analysis:

1. Individual: people using entrepreneurial spirit to bring social change.
2. Organizational: organizations employ business tools to achieve social goals.
3. Pan-organizational: social impact investors, social incubator networks provide fund and advice for social entrepreneurs.

This blog post is based on my learnings from the course on ‘social entrepreneurship’ offered by Copenhagen Business School through Coursera (2014).
